The banner above starts with TRON, which was the main inspiration for me to enter the field of computer graphics. Followed by all the movies, I worked on over the years - see also IMDb.
Below you will find work samples from films I worked on while at Framestore, London in the Creature FX department as well as my demo reel with work from animation films I worked on while I was at Dreamworks Animation.
Table of contents
Siggraph Paper
Before I forget, here is the siggraph paper1 from 2008 I co-wrote with Nathaniel Dirksen and Rob Vogt:
Art-Directable Dynamic-Hair Shells in "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa" (link opens in new tab)
Work Samples
- Developed and implemented workflow toolset
- Co-developed default qualoth sim rig, amongst other things defined simulation and collision settings for Tigger and Piglet
- Shot work:
- Fine-tuned qualoth simulation (look, feel, wrinkles etc.)
- Tweaked hair simulation, i.e. wind, walk s run, etcetera
- Addressed collisions on Pooh: hair, jumper
- Addressed collisions on Eeyore: hair, booklet
- Created custom muscle self-collision rig for Hulk; feedback to R&D resulted in improved default muscle collision
- Fine-tuned skin and muscle simulation
Dreamworks Animation
00:00:00 - 00:33:06
- Set creative and technical direction
- Oversaw technical development, including writing custom deformation operators
- Oversaw motion system and body deformations work, both technical and aesthetically.
- Setup character template
- Identify show requirements that were not part of the usual standard template
- Character rigged included: Poppy and Branch, and many more
- same tasks as seen above
- Characters rigged: Classified (wolf) and the Penguins (as seen), and others
- Challenges building the penguin rig:
- Wide range of motion, not only in for the legs reaching far up into the belly area, but also the mouth being able to open wide into the chest area.
- Being able to use the rig for the zombie variations.
- Set creative and technical direction
- Oversaw technical development on that show and coordinated the development efforts from R&D for porting an older lattice box deformer to the shows needs
- Oversaw motion system and body deformations work, both technical and aesthetically.
- Setup character template
- Identify show requirements that were not part of the usual standard template
- Rigged the lead characters Mr. Peabody and Sherman
- Rigged Hal/Titan and Roxanne (as seen)
- As well as the female generic characters and many things more.
- Created a custom muscle system for Titan.
- Rigged the Monkey (as seen)
- Developed a custom knuckle rocker motion system so that the monkey can rock on his fingers middle section
- Character rigged: Alex and Carmen (as seen)
- As well as the elephant’s, dogs and many more characters
Trolls / Lead Character Technical Director
00:33:07 - 00:55:01
Penguins of Madagascar / Lead Character Technical Director
00:55:02 - 01:14:13
Mr. Peabody & Sherman / Lead Character Technical Director
01:14:14 - 01:50:16
Megamind / Lead Character Technical Director
01:50:17 - 02:02:14
Kung Fu Panda 3 / Character Technical Director
02:02:15 – 02:16:01
Madagascar 3 / Character Technical Director
Unity Training
- Building sceen from the ground up
- Coding in C#
- Using Maya to create animation for the characters
Machine Learning
Forest Cover Types

Forest Cover Types Presentation (link opens in new tab)
Link to github (link opens in new tab)
Art Images

Art Images Presentation (link opens in new tab)
Link to github (link opens in new tab)
News Content

Fake News Presentation (link opens in new tab)
Link to github (link
opens in new tab)
Mug Shots

Here is the link to the Mug Shots blog
Link to github (link opens in new tab)